WHS Risk Assessment App

Specifically developed to help employers to more efficiently identify and manage the risks associated with staff working flexibly from home, mobile or remote locations.

WHS Risk Assessment App

The Agile Workplaces WHS Risk Assessment takes is a structured questionnaire that takes about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The assessment is app based and is easy to access and complete. No personal information is collected or stored.

Immediately the data is uploaded the employee will receive a report detailing any identified hazards and providing appropriate control measures for each of those action items. A copy of that report is sent to the employer as a record.

The report is effectively a to-do list so as employees can set about implementing the necessary measures to mitigate identified hazards. This reduces the workload on the employer and promotes better staff engagement and encourages ownership of WHS and other responsibilities associated with working away from the general office.

Once all action items have been attended to, the employee logs back in and completes that assessment again. A new report is generated indicating that their workplace is now safe and complaint. Once again a copy of the report is sent to the employer as a record.


Access to the Risk Assessment is available from the Agile Workplaces website via login details provided. We recommend that the assessment is completed on a smart phone or tablet device however, it is also possible to complete the assessment on a desktop or laptop computer,

Upon completion of the assessment, the data is uploaded to Agile Workplace’s data base where it is analysed and a report produced. A summary of that report detailing any identified hazards or non-compliance issues and suggested control measures is then sent to the employer. Agile workplaces can monitor the management of any issues requiring action and provide the employer with a status report.

This reduces the workload on the employer as they only have to scan the summary report to identify any necessary action required, and forward the report to the employee for action.


The move towards flexible working has seen an explosion in the number of staff now working flexibly. Employers are compelled to maintain a safe and compliant workplace irrespective of where that workplace is. Many employers have numerous workplaces across Australia that require regular assessment. This tool is a cost effective and highly efficient way of conducting those assessments.

In the case of staff working from home, recent studies have revealed that around 90% of home workplaces are unsafe to some extent. Homes are likely to be unsafe as they were never designed for office use and their diverse nature makes identifying and managing all areas of risk difficult. If an employer allows an employee to work from home they assume that risk.

Agile Workplaces’ comprehensive assessment criteria is developed specifically to address these areas of risk and identify any hazards or non-compliance issues requiring action, providing the employer with the opportunity to ensure that their employee’s workplace is safe and compliant wherever it is. We have modules to cover staff working from home, from their vehicles, fieldworkers, home care providers and staff who work alone in remote locations as well as remote offices, retail outlets and other workplaces.


The Risk Assessment Tool has been specifically developed to help employers to easily identify and manage risks in variety of common workplaces. It’s an end to end solution that provides superior results at a much lower cost and with less input from employers than approaches currently taken.

  • More comprehensive assessment criteria covering all areas of risk including mental health
  • Instant report providing appropriate control measures for any identified hazards
  • Less workload for employer means lower cost to manage risk and maintain compliance
  • Promotes higher level of staff engagement and ownership of WHS responsibilities
  • Auditable data to measure mitigation strategy performance and identify trends
  • Superior protection for staff, directors, and the business all round
  • Easily accessible, user friendly experience with instant results
  • Safer and less invasive than site visits and no personal information is collected
  • Can be tailored to meet specific requirements

Case Study

In 2011, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal ruled that two separate injuries sustained by an employee whilst she worked from her home office occurred in the course of her employment. The employer was liable, and the employee was entitled to compensation.

The issue for the Tribunal was whether or not the injuries sustained by the employee arose out of her employment. The Tribunal held that they did, because, in both instances, the injury happened during an interval within an overall period of work. That is, the Tribunal found that the employee was in effect ‘working’ at the times that she fell down the stairs. The fact that she was heading to the kitchen to fetch cough syrup when she fell didn’t mean she was acting outside the course of her employment – this was merely an interlude, a bit like a tea-break.

This case study is intended as a general overview and discussion of the subjects dealt with. It is not intended to be, and should not used as, a substitute for taking legal advice in any specific situation. Agile workplaces will accept no responsibility for any actions taken or not taken on the basis of this publication.

This publication of this case study is intended as a general overview and discussion of the subjects dealt with. It is not intended to be, and should not used as, a substitute for taking legal advice in any specific situation. Agile workplaces will accept no responsibility for any actions taken or not taken on the basis of this publication.

Duty of Care

Employers have a duty of care when it comes to their employees working flexibly from home, mobile or remote locations. Workplace Health and Safety Legislation says that employees working from these locations are still covered when injury occurs.

Employers must take reasonable steps to ensure employee’s safety, by completing a risk assessment. An employer should also provide a flexible working policy which clearly states when the employer will conduct a risk assessment for the management of potential health and safety issues.

Agile Workplaces is a leading provider of electronic WHS risk assessments for staff working flexibly.

We are focused on managing the health and safety of your organisation’s most valuable assets.

Are you?

WHS Compliance for flexible and remote working.