Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about the WHS Risk Assessment App and Agile Workplaces in general? We’ve got answers. Scroll down to view many of the FAQ relating to our services, along with our recommendations on WHS compliance.

We’ve amassed a number of frequently asked questions to help inform and educate.

In the event you’ve worked your way through the questions and answers below and are still left wondering, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form located here. An Agile Workplaces representative will respond to you in a timely manner to address your question.

Flexible Working – General Questions

Are your employees safe, working at felxibly?

Recent studies have revealed that around 90% of home based workplaces are unsafe to some extent. Homes are likely to be unsafe as they were never designed for office use and their diverse nature makes identifying and managing all areas of risk difficult. If an employer allows an employee to work from home they assume that risk.

The home is second only to the road as the location of most accidental deaths. More than 80% of assessments reveal 3 or more high risk issues (an identified issue capable of causing death or serious injury).

Who is responsible for the health and safety of staff when working flexibly?
Employers owe their employees the same duty of care whether they are working in their regular office or flexibly. A legal action involving an employee who sued her employer for injuries she suffered whilst working from home confirms this. The employer has a legal obligation to identify and wherever possible, mitigate risk or at the very least bring it to the attention of the employee and provide suitable control measures.
Does your current approach capture all of the risk and is your company covered?
Probably not. If your company relies on a self-assessment process, which has evolved out of the commercial office environment, then it’s highly likely that the company is failing to meet all of its WHS obligations and is at risk. There is a common misconception as to what the risks associated with staff working flexibly actually is and how those risks differ from a commercial environment.

WHS Risk Assessment App

How long does the WHS Risk Assessment take to complete?

The Agile Workplaces WHS Risk Assessment App takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Once the questionnaire is completed, encrypted data is electronically uploaded to Agile Workplaces database for analysis.

For more details on the Agile Workplaces WHS Risk Assessment App, please click here.

What is the cost of using the WHS Risk Assessment App?

Please contact us to arrange a proposal by clicking here.

Contact Agile Workplaces today with all other questions.

Agile Workplaces is a leading provider of electronic WHS risk assessments for staff working flexibly.

We are focused on managing the health and safety of your organisation’s most valuable assets.

Are you?

WHS Compliance for flexible and remote working.